Archive for April 8, 2013

ch. 18 PAP Test

Posted: April 8, 2013 in Gynocology

The Papanicolaou test (also called Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test) is a screening test used to detect potentially pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the endocervical canal (transformation zone) of the female reproductive system.

Pap test

Pap test

Pap test

Pap test


Types of PAP Test :

  1. Conventional Pap—In a conventional Pap smear, samples are smeared directly onto a microscope slide after collection.
  2. Liquid based cytology—The Pap smear sample is put in a bottle of preservative for transport to the laboratory, where it is then smeared on the slide.

The patient may also be referred for HPV DNA testing, which can serve as an adjunct to Pap testing.

Summary of pap test indications
woman’s characteristic indication rationale
never had sexual contact no test HPV usually transmitted by sexual contact
under age 21, regardless of sexual history no test more harms than benefits
age 20–25 until age 50–60 test every 3–5 years if results normal broad recommendation
over age 65; history of normal tests no further testing recommendation of USPSTFACOG,ACS and ASCP;
had total hysterectomy for non-cancer disease – cervixremoved no further testing harms of screening after hysterectomy outweigh the benefits
had partial hysterectomy – cervix remains continue testing as normal  
has received HPV vaccine continue testing as normal vaccine does not cover all cancer-causing types of HPV
post-operative transgender woman no test the neo-vagina does not contain a cervix and cannot be evaluated with a pap smear